The 5i Approach

How to ensure your organisation is successful in securing key knowledge and experience.

Here at The Knowledge Bank Limited we are excited and pleased to announce the launch of our premier product the Innovative 5i Approach. Developed following engagement with several key peer organisations, and in particular The Involvement and Participation Association (IPA).

The 5i Approach answers the three key questions raised through our research and engagement programme.

  1. What is the key knowledge for your organisation?
  2. Do you record the knowledge in a meaningful way?
  3. How do you transfer knowledge ensuring it is implemented and ingrained?

It is our conclusion, from the research and engagement with peer organisations that effective organisations in all sectors, already have systems, processes and protocols in place which effectively capture the day-to-day key knowledge in a meaningful way. 

Our focus is therefore on the 5% of key roles and personnel within the organisation, at all levels, who make the difference between success and stagnation.

At a well-attended IPA employer hub session in September 2022, delegates reflected on their own personal and business challenges around the 5% key holders of knowledge and experience.

Our reflections on the Q&A session were that organisations are looking for a solution to the effective transfer, implementation and ingraining of knowledge which is unique to their specific organisational needs and culture.

We have been developing our approach to identify the key 5% and how to implement and ingrain the successful transfer of knowledge.

We are now looking for two partners to pilot the 5i Approach in a live environment. You can join us in that journey and be a leading-edge case study.

We’re proud to work with The Involvement and Participation Association (IPA). IPA is Britain’s leading organisation delivering employee engagement, partnership, and employee voice in the workplace.

View our other services:

The Knowledge Box

Helping Entrepreneurs, Small Business owners, SMEs and those without a HR function.

The People Strategic Framework

Framework to optimise your people activities.